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Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship: A Journey to Business Independence

Written By; Katharina Villanueva

(CEO/Founder of OLIVIA Professional Solutions and Nest & Care, LLC)


In a matter of days, I will be taking an enchanting journey to Europe with my parents, celebrating their 77th birthdays. The magic in this moment is not just the opportunity to explore historical cities and sample exotic cuisines, but the fact that I can do so knowing my businesses are in capable hands. I can feel the pride and relief seeping into me, as the reality of what I've achieved truly sinks in.

Yet, my story was not always a tale of such balance and grace. My journey in entrepreneurship started five years ago. The early chapters were filled with sacrifices and struggles. I found myself trading cherished family moments for late-night work marathons. It was a race against time, against obligations, against the incessant reminders that my children needed their mother in their formative years.

Every single day, including weekends, was consumed by work. I was always the last to go to sleep, making sure I had responded to every email, filed every document, returned every call. My life was dictated by a schedule that saw no weekends, no holidays, no downtime. My stress levels skyrocketed, but the questions began to seep in: was it all worth it? Was this the life I had envisioned for myself and my family?

That was my turning point. Recognizing the necessity of balancing my personal and professional life, I embarked on a journey to redefine my work processes. I began to experiment with an innovative approach, strategically delegating administrative tasks to a combination of local office staff and virtual assistants.

This fusion of traditional office support with a remote workforce introduced a dynamic and flexible structure to my business. The local staff ensured smooth daily operations, and provided a dependable and tangible presence, while the virtual assistants added a cost-effective and scalable support system. This hybrid model facilitated not only the physical division of labor but also the mental shift required to free up my energy and time for what truly mattered.

Today, my weekends are no longer shackled to my desk, they are filled with family laughter and memories in the making. My phone isn't an extension of my hand anymore, it's a tool that I control. My businesses aren't just extensions of me, they are entities that can thrive under the competent management of my team.

Embracing these changes allowed me to craft a life where my roles as a mother and a business owner can coexist harmoniously. A life where I can confidently say that I'm a business owner who loves what she does, and a mother who can devote time to her children without the looming shadow of unattended work.

This is my version of freedom. It's not simply about being a business owner, but about loving the journey, cherishing the lessons learned, and finally achieving that elusive balance between work and family. It's about creating a legacy that my children can be proud of - showing them that their mother is not only a businesswoman but also a woman who values and prioritizes them.

So, to all the business-owning mothers out there - remember, it's not just about building successful businesses, it's also about building successful lives. Don't be afraid to take risks, to embrace change, and to prioritize what truly matters to you. Because, in the end, that's what defines true success.


If this resonates with you, pause for a moment and consider exploring the benefits of virtual assistants. Whether you're in healthcare, real estate, or education, a dedicated virtual assistant can help you achieve balance. Don't wait any longer; prioritize what matters most. Contact us today at 240-690-9912.


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Our team of virtual assistants is here to help you identify which aspects of your business can be delegated, allowing you to focus on your true passion. With our top-quality services and support, you'll have the freedom to tackle your business challenges head-on and achieve success like never before.

Don't let overwhelming tasks hold you back from achieving your dreams.

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